The role of the Christian in War


We’ve all seen it and heard it.  Hell, some of you maybe even wore jewelry or a shirt that said it.  WWJD; What Would Jesus Do?

In theory, this is a great way to try to live your life.  In reality however, the life we lead is more nuanced and layered than perhaps Jesus and his followers led.  Perhaps WWJD just doesn’t cut it always.

Earlier this week, I was challenged by a friend who said that Christians have an obligation to get involved in the conflict with Russia and Ukraine.  I’m also seeing memes and posts about how David eventually had to act against Goliath etc. 

Now if you want to discuss what Canada, the US or the other NATO countries should do in this situation, I would be much more open minded to the discussion.  The obligations and expectations of political nations when one country invades another should be clear.  Let’s stop that bad thing from happening any more.  If we’re able to do something, we should.

My question though is what is the obligation of a Christian in this situation?  I would argue that Christians are supposed to be about the way of peace and love.  Jesus himself said to turn the other cheek and was never (that we know of) violent toward another human being. 

As a result, I would say that the obligation of the Christian stops before any direct combat is involved.  Christians are cleaning wounds and feeding refugees.  Providing clothing and shelter for people displaced by the horror that is going on in their country. 

But I don’t think Christians should be taking up arms against the aggressors or directly fighting in the battles. 

That isn’t the way of Jesus that we know. 

That is the way of man and it has been for many thousands of years. 

Jesus came to show us a different way.

I will honestly tell you that I don’t know how to reconcile how I feel that a nation should act vs. how I think a Christian should act given the world today.  I don’t know that there is an easy answer.  Thoughts and prayers can only go so far and that is a whole separate blog.

For now, I would say if you’re looking for the Christian thing to do here it would be this: 

Find a way to help.  Whether it’s money for food or a clothing drive or sending shoes etc.  If you're close to the conflict, open your doors to people who are fleeing for their lives.  Help people settle in temporary shelters and make sure they have what they need.  There are a variety of ways that we can help that do not involve taking up arms. 

And keep praying for wisdom and guidance and hopefully clarity of mind on the part of the aggressors so that maybe this will end before more countries get involved and more people die. 
