Is God just winging it?

 The common view in Christianity seems to be that God is the same today as He was yesterday and the same as She’ll be tomorrow.

Maybe I put too much stock in this likeness and image thing but if we can learn and change and evolve, then why can’t God?

Why would an all-powerful God not have the ability to learn from creation? 

Can God not adapt and learn as we, His children, go through our life?  Do I seriously think that before the dawn of time, God knew that I would be sitting at my computer and writing this right now?  

My answer is no.  I feel like God can learn from some of my transformations over the years. 

Or perhaps, viewing others for centuries helped God to understand just what areas to focus on with me in order to nudge me to becoming a decent human being.

This past week, I was reminded of a Facebook post.  It was not a post that I made but one where I felt the need to comment because obviously, others were mistaken.  It involved the Canadian Prime Minister and a Pride Parade.

I read these comments of mine and I shook my head.  It wasn’t wonder or shock that I was feeling; it was shame.  Shame that I had said the things I did while still thinking I was open minded and progressive.  Shame that I chose to engage with people I didn’t know and couldn’t possibly know where they were coming from.

Too often online we spout off because it’s what’s on our mind.  We’re very sure about what we’re saying with real back up (maybe that’s what I’m doing here).  But if we could go back in the comment section of 5 years ago, 10 years ago, even conversations from 20 years ago; would we be proud of what we said?  Would we be as adamant now as we were then on our convictions?

It’s made me wonder if God ever felt this way.  Did God ever wonder if drowning the world because it wasn’t working out was in fact a bad idea?  Did God ever regret not giving Moses a map so that they could make the trip in a few weeks rather than 40 years?  Did God ever think that saddling a teenager with the Son of God might be a whole lot to take on?

Ultimately it makes me wonder if God can learn.  Does She see what we have done with creation and just have to constantly call an audible?  As I watch the news and look around my own city, I can’t believe that this is what Drake would call “God’s Plan”. 

My beliefs these days are varied and fluid but I do strongly believe that we are made in the image and likeness of God.  Where I take a left turn from modern Christians is that I believe that God is a being that can learn, adapt and even change as needed. 

We are not merely puppets in God’s plan and They will learn from us as much as we learn from Them. 

If I’m being fully truthful with myself and you, my readers, I don’t believe there’s a plan at all.  I believe that God’s joy is in creation and in watching us evolve; just like the father we espouse him to be.



  1. It is a great blessing to see our folly.

  2. I have zero confidence in trying to figure out what/who/how God operates in our world. These days I just enjoy reading or hearing all the ways humans experience God. I liked your post very much.

    1. Oh and here’s a proof text 🤣 1 Corinthians 8:2 (NAS) If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know;


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