What Are You Doing That Makes You Happy?


This past week we marked an event that has been coined “Blue Monday” which is supposed to be the “most depressing day of the year.”

Connected to this, in Canada Bell has a #Letstalk campaign in mid to late January each year as well.  This is again based around the research showing that we’re pretty much at our lowest at this time of the year.

We are just about to round the corner on 100 weeks since we shut things down for a two-week flattening of the curve when the Pandemic first began.  Nearly 100 weeks of varying forms of lockdowns and restrictions.  Nearly 100 weeks since I’ve gone to an office.  Nearly 100 weeks since I was filling my gas tank twice a week.  Nearly 100 weeks since life was “normal”.

Will life ever be “normal” again?  Time will tell.  I suspect that the way we lived in the summer of 2019 may be gone forever but I hope that we can come to a point where we can at least remember how carefree those folks were. 

How has your life changed in that 100 weeks? 

Did you buy an Air Fryer?  A puppy? 

Did you inexplicably begin to bake massive amounts of bread like your last name was Ingalls? 

Was it a stop gap or do you still do it.

Personally, I got back into trading cards.  The hobby has seen a resurgence during the pandemic and I got caught up in it.  It started innocently enough with a couple of packs of hockey cards and has snowballed from there.  My collection has become relatively extensive but I think that the “value” is about where the cost has been.  More importantly though, its enjoyable for me. 

I very much enjoy the thrill of opening new packs to see if I’ve hit anything great.  I also very much enjoy the organization of it and the ability to give some away to family and friends.  I have no idea if I ever would have come to this point in a non-pandemic world but this hobby often makes me feel like a kid again and It’s also something I can share with my kids. 

This post really has nothing to do with religion or faith (though I could maybe invoke Matthew 18:3) but it’s what’s on my mind and it’s my blog so you get what you get.  I also know that most of my writing is much longer and more thought provoking but ultimately, I only wanted to check in to say this:

 What are you doing that makes you happy? 

If you can’t think of anything, I encourage you to find something.  It's never too late. 

The last 100 weeks have been something that no one alive has ever really dealt with and God willing never will have to again.  

In the meantime, find some joy wherever you can and I’ll see you on the other side. 


