Why do I consume the stuff that upsets me?


Many of us have things that agitate us whether it’s online or in our day to day lives. 

In years past it was often a public radio personality that would upset people so much that there would be newspaper articles and magazine articles about them. 

These days it’s blogs and YouTube channels and podcasts but it’s still the same scenario it seems.  People who you vehemently disagree with and yet consume what they’re putting out there.

I’ve heard it said that critics of personalities like Howard Stern were twice as likely to tune into his whole show than his fans were.  The late Rush Limbaugh I believe had a similar following but on the other side.  For all of the folks who tuned in to be informed, many more actually tuned in to be enraged and the write about it.  People look for a reason to be upset and by listening live, they had the first opportunity to be outraged.  What they do sometimes inadvertently though is to expand the reach of the person that they’re trying to be against. 

Why do we do this though? 

In the case of networks and professional journalists, it’s probably based on viewership, listenership and number of clicks but I’m more curious about the day to day folks who don’t have any skin in the game. 

Is there an ingrained need to be “right” or show the other person they’re “wrong”? 

Have you ever found yourself in a debate online that just exhausts you but damned if you’re going to give in?  It’s commonly known that whoever has the last comment has won that argument because the other person has obviously slinked away, tail between the legs in defeat.

Now how can I relate this to The Constructing Christian and what I experience daily?  I have to admit that I have fallen victim to the very behaviour I’ve been describing.  I’ve followed and engaged with far-left liberal folks who seem to want to argue everything online and have proven to be nothing but toxic in my life even though they don’t know who I am.  I also subscribe to blogs of very conservative Christians and follow their apologetics while inside I cringe with nearly every word I hear or read.  By consuming this content though, I’m actually furthering their “ministry”.  When I share the material I further their reach.  When I comment, I further the viewership which can increase their income and allow for more content to be created.

If I can logically put together in my mind why this is a bad idea, why can’t I stop it?  I’ve been able block or mute people on Facebook and Twitter but I still find myself looking in on them every month or so almost out of a sick curiosity. 

I’ve also been able to rationalize it by saying “I’m trying to see the other side” or “I just want to learn from a different point of view”.  Realistically though, if I’m being honest with myself, this isn’t true.  I’m not listening or reading to hear, I’m only consuming content for the purpose of refuting it. 

 I’m sure this is the part where I’m supposed to say that I resolve never to seek out content than angers me again, but I can’t make that promise.  What I can say is that I’m going to try to understand my motives going into these interactions and understand when it truly becomes unhealthy for me.

What about you?  Who do you read or listen to that really pisses you off but you still do it?  For all I know, maybe it’s me.  If it is, I’d love to hear from you. 
