Yes or No - Is the world really binary?


I think that by default, humans are binary creatures.

Our current world is run on computers that run off of 1’s and 0’s in true binary fashion.

This is right vs. this is wrong.  Hot or cold. Left or right.  True or false.

But is the world really as binary as we want to make it?

We search for absolute truth in all aspects of life.  When we’re selecting our meals, it’s good for us or it’s not.  When we buy something, the price is fair or it’s not.

But when it comes to the big questions in life is it really binary?  Are there absolute truths to be found or does the knowledge come from the journey?

North American Christians seem to have a binary view of the bible.  It’s either 100% accurate or we should throw the whole thing away.  It’s either the divine guiding the pen of the author or it’s the ramblings of men who hear voices or want to make a name for themselves.

What about God?  Is God all powerful and controlling everything or not?  How does that God interact with us?  Is it a completely hands off approach or is She involved in every aspect of our lives?  Do we really have any free will or is our entire life predestined?

This isn’t news but I’ll go on record as saying I don’t believe the bible is a literal document.  Much can be learned from it but as far as a point by point historical account, I have strong doubts.

I must be careful however of not falling victim to reversing the binary thought process I’m trying to speak against.  By saying something definitely isn’t true, I’m just 0-ing someone else’s 1.

I used to pride myself on being a black and white person and living in this right or wrong mentality but I’m learning to see the grey areas.  I’ve learned that sexuality and gender can be grey areas.  I’ve learned that addiction and homelessness isn’t always a choice.  I’ve learned that following the teachings of a man doesn’t necessarily have to mean that I accept that he was sacrificed for me. 

I have a long way to go and I also realize that this post doesn’t solve anything but hopefully it will make you ponder where you’re at and how you think.
