What’s Next?

 In the past week alone, my family has had three separate instances where the threat of COVID has had a direct impact on our life.

Thankfully in each instance it has turned out to be a false alarm but that isn’t making it less real at the time.

We’ve come to a point where we’re making decisions less based around what we want or what would benefit us, but more based on what is needed in a civilized society that is trying to stop the spread of a deadly virus.  

We’ve missed memorials and visits.  We’ve missed school and appointments.  We’ve done this willingly because it was the right thing to do and we would do it again.  

I have serious questions about those that choose not to take any of these precautions and who are more concerned about their own happiness than they are about taking care of others.  These are the people refusing masks or any sort of social limitations.  They’re working to find loopholes and banging the drum that our rights are being infringed upon.

You know what though?  To a point, they’re right.

We are having things limited.  Freedom of Assembly etc. are real things that are being curtailed.  But it’s for the good of the population as a whole.  We elect leaders and for better or worse, have to rely on them and their staff to make decisions for the benefit of the entirety of their constituents.  

My question at this point though is what’s next?

I understand the rules and I’m taking all of the precautions but it feels like this virus is still knocking on the door.  Is contracting and in turn, transmitting COVID an inevitability?  What more can be done?

Where I live, our kids are going to school.  I’m working full time and the option to homeschool or participate in online learning just isn’t feasible.  If mandated however, we’ll have to adjust.  In the meantime, kids are in school and some families have kids that are in two or three different schools.  That level of contact tracing is almost impossible.  And until very recently, the symptom list that would be deemed potential COVID seemed to cover everything from pink eye to a broken big toe.  The testing facilities are being over run because of the number of unnecessary tests that were taking place.


I understand the fear and caution for sure but I don’t know if it’s sustainable.  People missing work and kids missing school.  People arguing over others wearing a mask or even getting violent in testing centres.  This whole situation has brought out the best and worst in society. 


I know that this is supposed to be a Christian blog and I know that I’m supposed to “Let Go and Let God” or “Be in the world, but not of the world”, but sometimes I’m just a regular guy facing the same crap you are.  

If I have a prayer through this it is that God will help me to keep my friends and loved ones safe from this virus.  But beyond that, I pray that God can work with those doing good to bring the same level of common sense and empathy to the rest of the public who still think this is a hoax or an “election virus.”  

We’re all in this together, whether we admit it or not.
