Jesus would wear a mask

Remember that time in Luke where Jesus says, “It is what it is” when the downtrodden came to him?  Maybe I was Mark…I don’t have a perfect memory for these things.

Wait a’re saying that when I saw that in red the other day it wasn’t Jesus that was saying it?  Are you sure?

I’ve written before about getting into the comment section and losing hours of my time.  I know its not smart to do it because the Facebook Doctors are just waiting to pounce but sometimes I can’t help myself. 

A while back I found myself in this situation when I said, “Jesus would wear a mask.”  I didn’t use all CAPS or put periods or hand clap emoji’s in between; I simply made a statement. 

That was probably a month or so back and my resolve on this has only grown stronger so let me say it again:  If Jesus was with us today he would be wearing a mask wherever he was asked to. 

Maybe a bit louder for the folks in the back, JESUS WOULD WEAR A MASK!

Now that I’ve got that out there, you may say, “why do you think this?” 

To me, the idea that he might not never crossed my mind.  Everything Jesus did in his ministry was to help those less fortunate.  To stick up for those that couldn’t stick up for themselves.  To basically be the champion for those that needed one.

If this weren’t enough, I think that Jesus would have had some common sense. 

In my time in the depths of the comment section, I had people tell me that he would never wear a mask because he was divine and didn’t need it, this virus couldn’t affect him.  If this was true however, then how could Jesus have ever been fully human?  I’ve written about my thoughts on the actual sinlessness of Jesus in a previous column and I can even get around that if I must.  But if Jesus was immune to sickness and disease, then he was nothing more than God in a flesh suit and I can’t believe that.  I believe that Jesus had the ability to get sick and in turn pass on any sickness he may have.  As a result, he would have been masked a lot in order to not get others sick on the chance that he may even be an asymptomatic carrier. 

Another thing that came from the darkness of comment-reply-repeat was the idea that Jesus would rebel against the government on this.  Would he though?  Whenever people invoke Jesus and the government, what is the one story they bring up?  Jesus flipping the tables.  Even today, 2000 years after his death, Christians still picture a great warrior Jesus coming in to take down “the Man” and prop up those who’ve followed the rules.  I’ll have to go through it a few more times, but I’m pretty sure that story was more about Jesus protecting than it was about Jesus attacking.  And where in the bible is it that Jesus says to disobey everything the government says?  Maybe just maybe, the health professionals are right on this one. 

Finally, I believe that Jesus would wear a mask even if for no other reason than just to set a good example.  Even if you argue that he was immune to all sickness, he would demonstrate how people should act when facing the world we currently live in.

As we get ready to get back to work and send our children off to school, maybe we should lean a little more on taking care of each other as best we can rather than saying “it is what it is” to a worldwide pandemic. 

Jesus came to us with a message of love and a commandment to love our neighbours as ourselves.  If Jesus were that man beside you at the store, I bet he’d be wearing a mask to protect others.

Who knows…maybe he is.
